Digital Studies Resources
This website contains a growing collection of resources for the study of digital cultures. You can contribute to this website on Github. Just fork the repository, add content, and create a pull request.
The notion of digital methods as it was introduced by Richard Rogers refers to a research program that goes beyond the mere use of digital tools for researching digital media. It rather aims “to learn from the so-called method of the medium, that is, how online devices treat web data” (Rogers 2019, 4). At the center is the dictum “follow the medium” (Rogers 2009, 10) to expose the specific methods of digital media on the one hand and to appropriate and repurpose them for new approaches in social research on the other hand. For following the medium and for studying social and cultural transformations grounded in digital media a broad range of research tools have been developed and made available throughout the past decade.
Software occupies an important place in digital cultures. This section contains references to historical resources, tools, and institutions that might be of interest for scholars studying software.
This section contains references to historical resources, tools, and institutions that might be of interest for scholars studying online platforms, web services and online projects like Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, Wikipedia etc.
This section contains references to resources, tools, and institutions that might be of interest for scholars studying the history of the web.